Have you ever looked around and realised that you seem to be journeying on a different path to those around you?
When we begin to live more authentically, to align ourselves more closely to our own truths, things can appear to shift quite markedly in our physical world.
It may appear that those who surround us seem to be headed somewhere else.
Somewhere we’re not very interested in going….
Those others may be the people in our personal relationships, those in our friendship groups (or some days, may even appear to be just about everyone else on the planet!)
Well, you are not alone. There seems to be a lot of us stepping out on new paths at the moment.
It can be a tricky time, especially when we seem to be moving in a parallel universe to those we genuinely love and care about.
It can be quite a shock to realise that your core values and beliefs no longer seem to match what is visible around you.
We might wake up alongside someone we’ve shared our life with for years and think: OMG Who IS this person??
We can be out in familiar social groups with our forever friends having “fun” and suddenly think: What am I doing here? I don’t even enjoy this anymore…”
We can find ourselves losing tolerance with meaningless habitual conversations and habits.
We can tune into the media and think: Why am I watching this depressing garbage?
We may look around our homes at all of our “stuff” and realise that most of it is simply unnecessary clutter.
Everything that “meant” something can now seem to matter not very much at all…
Instead we can find ourselves starting to focus on the things that make our hearts sing and leave everything else to take care of itself.
When this begins to happen it may feel like we’re stepping onto a lonely path. One that requires us leaving behind things we care about- all that makes us feel safe and secure.
But don’t despair- there are lots of us journeying the same path.
If we’re willing to open our hearts and minds (and to be brave!) we’ll start to notice them walking alongside.
They may look different to those we’ve known in the past.
They may appear in unexpected places.
They may not fit with our old belief systems or the generalised assumptions we used to make about people- but they are there and they’re growing steadily in number.
The best thing is, that if you keep taking those baby steps in the direction of your true north, these others will find you and you will find them.
Chances are you’ll also come to realise why these changes had to happen…
So just keep on stepping and keep on trusting.
You are exactly where you are meant to be…on the path to an authentic you.
© Telene Clarke