I am The Agitator.
Maybe you recognise me?
I am the rocker of boats and the ruffler of feathers.
I am the stirrer of pots.
I create ripples simply by being.
It may be the things that I say.
It may be the way in which I say them.
I am The Agitator.
I may challenge you.
Or ask the questions you prefer weren’t asked.
I start the conversation with that elephant in the corner of the room.
And poke those things marked DO NOT TOUCH.
I might shine the light into your dark corners.
Or lift the carpet to see what has been swept beneath.
I am The Agitator.
I speak the truths that would be easier left unspoken.
I spark the thoughts it would be easier not to think
I stir feelings that you would prefer weren’t felt.
I am the messenger you could easily shoot through the heart with an arrow.
I am The Agitator.
There is no intent to do harm.
No intent to aggravate.
I am simply the mirror you do not wish to look into.
I may embarrass, unsettle and provoke you.
I may help to uncover a restlessness inside of you.
A sense of dissatisfaction.
Even a deep empty space…
This is good.
It means that I am doing my job.
I am The Agitator.
For I am here to help you to awaken.
To look inside of yourself.
I am here to help you to recall your own possibilities.
To reintroduce you to yourself.
To remind you how to be alive once more…
Maybe you will react with fear or anger.
Maybe you will recoil in revulsion.
Maybe it will be easier to simply go on pretending,
To remain asleep…
Or maybe you will stop,
Take a breath
And choose to respond.
To gather the courage to look inside
And see just who it is that resides there…..
What might you do I wonder?
I am The Agitator….
© Telene Clarke